Thursday, September 26, 2013

Floral Travels: Okefenokee Swamp; Folkston, Georgia

The Okefenokee Swamp in Southern Georgia has some of the most breathtaking views and  spectacular wildlife!  Okefenokee means "land of trembling ground" in Native American tongue and the earth really does tremble due to the the spongy detritus that comprises the earth of the Okefenokee Swamp.
I have taken two trips to the swamp and it never ceases to amaze me with its resilience, peace and beauty.  There is an abundance of alligators, turtles, birds and waterfowl to observe and the plants, flowers and grasses will blow you away!  The juxtaposition of the bright green grasses and the "blackwater swamp" is artistic and natural. The swamp is both romantic and eerie and it flows at a slower pace than the outside world.  Prepare to breath deep and slow. (VG)

The Carnivorous Pitcher Plant
American Alligator
Swamp Iris

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